


Thank you so much Scriptwriters Network for giving me this life changing opportunity to produce my award-winning 2023 SWN High Concept Feature Screenplay EGO DEATH as a short story. 

In lieu of the other awards and prizes provided through the Scriptwriters Network High Concept Screenplay Program, I chose to work directly with Melessa Sargent on creating this project and she has been guiding and advising me every step of the way, as I gather a team of fellow students and artists to work together.  With her consultations, I was able to audition, cast and work with others to bring this project together. I am looking forward to directing and starring in this promotional trailer / short for my upcoming neo-psychedelic power ballad, EGO DEATH, which was inspired by the musical “The Wall” by Roger Waters, and by the compositions of Mark Knopfler of Dire Straits.

The feedback that SWN’s professional Readers gave me was crucial in giving me the momentum to get this project started, and I wanted to thank everybody associated with the Scriptwriters Network for this amazing chance to start my career. I look forward to seeing the completed short of EGO DEATH to be added to SWN’s Roku streaming channel in the near future.

A nonstop musical score set to the tempo of 144 bpm, EGO DEATH is an experience in the minor mode of C, which I would hope one day to get the screenplay in the hands of Danny Elfman and Tim Burton, who are my Heros, and I would love to work with and learn from them!  Thank you, Scriptwriters Network!!!”

Rollyn Crows


“Winning The Scriptwriters Network Hollywood Outreach Program was my first big break in screenwriting. But it wasn’t just about validation. The notes from Readers helped me improve my feature markedly. The people and resources made available to me through The Scriptwriters Network continue to help me navigate the business side of screenwriting and present myself as a more polished professional.
When I secured a meeting with an interested literary manager, Melessa Sargent didn’t hesitate to schedule a call with me to help me prepare and boost my confidence. She wouldn’t settle for anything less than complete belief in myself. I am now represented by that manager, and The Scriptwriters Network played a big role preparing me to earn the offer.

“For the last several years, I have attended the Scriptwriters Network networking events. I’ve met some industry professionals who have shared great wisdom and also made some friends from the entertainment industry. 
Melessa Sargent works hard to present resources to help writers, producers, directors, composers, etc., succeed in their creative endeavors.  My first Pitch Boot Camp class with her was years ago, but it really helped me in my first efforts at pitching to get a professional feel for my pitch. I encourage you to sign up and follow Scriptwriters Network.”
Lindy Baker
M.Ed., CECP, Writer, Producer, Show Host, Standup Comedian, Subject Expert, Gifted Clairvoyant & Life Coach
“First, I want to thank you for helping me find my foot as a writer. The Scriptwriters Network has helped me in more ways than one: from the Friday Night Drinks/Social Events (currently the Social Virtual Networking Event), where I met my writing group whom I use to this day, to all the Seminars you offer.
Thanks to you, I learned the skills necessary to create my own production company and write and produce my own feature. And as far as I remember, you were the leader spearheading all of it.
I truly enjoy the Scriptwriters Network.”
Tymaine Clay
Break-A-Light Entertainment

I am so grateful for The Scriptwriter’s Network and for the robust script feedback as their comments are already making my writing stronger. The Readers gave clear suggestions to help me raise the stakes for the story and to make the world more vibrant. It was also gratifying to have Readers pick up on the nuances of the dialogue and give advice on how to deepen the relationships between the characters in compelling but believable ways.
Getting access to what scripts producers were looking for has also help me focus on writing projects that clearly have a market. Their supportive team gave me the boost I needed to move forward with several scripts.

“I am honored I was selected as the winner of The Scriptwriters Network’s Hollywood Outreach Program (HOP). My experience with this organization has been stellar. The feedback I received was extremely thoughtful and thorough. I enjoyed the positive notes and took the suggestions to heart. Thank you so much, Scriptwriters Network.


“When receiving coverage, we hope the Reader will love it – end of story. But when improvements are required, we expect the criticism to be constructive, which is why I appreciate The Scriptwriters Network Readers providing opinions that permitted me to think more broadly about my screenplay. Rather than making direct suggestions on how a scene should go or changing a piece of dialogue, the readers formatted comments in an open-ended way so that I could explore the possibilities as it pertains to the story I’m trying to tell. The feedback I received resulted in another rewrite that changed the structure and story beats that have been in since early drafts .”

Peter Levedahl  





“I got 20 script requests out of 23 pitches! That’s over-the-top results after attending the Pitch Boot Camp hosted by Scriptwriters Network at the GAPF – the Great American Pitch Fest held in Burbank, June 19-22. The experience of practicing and refining my pitch before several judges, in a speed-dating-style lineup, gave me the experience and feedback I needed to excel the next day when the real Hollywood elite showed up to hear me.

I had 5 minutes to impress and convince each exec that my project was worthy. And I hit a home run almost every time at bat, so you can too, if you practice, practice and practice your pitch before “pitching it” at one of Scriptwriters Network Pitch Boot Camps. I highly recommend doing this. It’s cost $25 to refine my pitch. Come on Man! That’s the cost of two or three glasses of wine to sell yourself! It’s so worth it! Do it, and your ego will soar, your career will start a buzz and who knows? Anything is possible!”

Jackie Devereaux 




Even though I knew the SWN High Concept Screenplay Program (fmly: High Concept Screenplay Competition) was one of the newer ones out there, I’d heard such good things about it, I decided to enter. When I was named one of the 30 top finalists, I became eligible to apply for the exclusive, Plume & Pellicule Screenwriting Workshop in Europe.  They even waived the application fee.  You cannot imagine my sheer delight when I discovered that I was one of ten writers chosen internationally to attend this all-expense paid workshop in the Swiss Alps…with top screenwriters and filmmakers from Hollywood and Cannes doing one-on-one mentoring with us on our scripts. I’ll even be eligible to take my script to AFM in the fall.
I am about to embark on a life-changing (and quite possibly career-changing) experience… all because of the Scriptwriter’s Network.  Thank you SO much, Scriptwriters Network!