


The Scriptwriters Network Foundation, Inc., aka Scriptwriters Network (SWN), founded in 1986, is an educational, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) Non-Profit, volunteer-driven organization created by writers for writers and industry professionals.


SWN serves its members and guests by providing educational programming, enhancing awareness of the realities of the business, developing access and opportunity through alliances with industry professionals, and furthering the cause and quality of writing for the entertainment industry.


What we do…


~ Monthly Meetings

  • Speaker Series: Our Speaker Series meetings are held the second (2nd) or third (3rd) Saturday of every month.  This series focuses on the business side of the industry.
  • Seminar Series: Our Seminar Series meetings are held on the second (2nd) or third (3rd) Saturdays of the month.  This series focuses on the art and craft of writing.


~ Programs / Contests

  • Hollywood Outreach Program (HOP): The program’s objective is to help writers improve their craft so they may learn the skills necessary to help them achieve their goal of obtaining representation, selling or optioning their work, and/or landing a writing assignment.
  • Television Outreach Program (TOP): The program’s objective is to help writers improve their craft so that they may achieve their goals of obtaining representation, script development, mentoring and career counseling services, landing writing assignments, and/or selling their work.
  • High Concept Screenplay Program (HCSP): The High Concept Screenplay Program welcomes all genres and aims to discover, honor and reward different approaches, eclectic points of view and unique voices in screenwriting.
  • Short Story Film Program (SSFP): The program takes the Creative Writing monthly exercises to the next level.  The program aims to help writers maintain a continuous creativity flow with your writing, focusing on the short story format, creating and executing your style and vision. 


~ Networking Opportunities

  • Social Virtual Networking Event:  Our Social Virtual Networking event, is a networking event that meets the first (1st) Saturday of every month. It started as a way for TV and feature writers to meet one another and has evolved into so much more.


~ Special Events

  • Pitch Boot Camp (PBC): Pitch Boot Camp is designed to drill prospective screenwriters into delivering professional, concise and interesting pitches comfortably and sincerely to anyone at any time in any place under any condition.
  • 2-Day Writing Challenge: This is one weekend where writers commit to explore any & all possibilities with their story, FADE IN to FADE OUT, and, do it in the camaraderie of fellow writers eager to help each other over creative hurdles.
  • Script Analysis ~ Readers Class:  This class gives a solid grounding in script analysis – how to break down stories, characters, and dialogue, what to look for, and how to create constructive criticism.


~ Membership

  • Regular Annual Membership and Renewal is $219.00. ($189.00 for Seniors, Students and Military)
    • Pay monthly or annually
  • Benefits Includes:
    • Over 40 Networking Opportunities a year
    • Free entry into Speaker & Seminar events 
    • Reduced entry fee for various SWN programs
    • Weekly eblasts on SWN upcoming events
    • Weekly eblasts on Partners events and contests
    • Video uploads of our Speaker Series meetings
    • Write-ups and photos of our previous meetings
    • Additional benefits located in the members only section


~ Summary

  • SWN is full of talented individuals who are eager to share, collaborate and aid aspiring writers in furthering their careers.
  • Additionally, our events are currently virtual/online at this time.


~ Donations

  • Our mission is to nurture and empower creative talents, but we can’t do it alone. 
  • We’re currently looking for donations and new members to join our vibrant community.
  • Your support will directly contribute to hosting more enriching events and providing a platform for writers and speakers.
  • Donate


Disclaimer: Participation in SWN events, programs, contests, classes and workshops is not a promise or guarantee of employment, and is intended for educational and networking purposes only.