Advertise with SWN!
Interested in advertising with the Scriptwriters Network? Your business, event, book, or service can be included in a write-up in our Thursday Outside Events Newsletter. Our once a week Outside Events eblast reaches current and former members, event attendees, and others on our mailing list, and can include text, links, and images. You can advertise in our weekly eblast, or, for an additional fee, you can send a dedicated eblast that features your blast and your blast only.
Advertisement information:
- A one-time eblast in our Thursday weekly newsletter with our other blasts costs $200.
- A one-time dedicated/solo eblast on Friday, featuring only your eblast costs $350.
- A recurring eblast in our Thursday weekly newsletter with other blasts for six months costs $825 ($137.50/month)
- A recurring eblast in our Thursday weekly newsletter with other blasts for one year costs $1500 ($125/month)
- A recurring monthly solo eblast on Friday, once per month for six months costs $2000 ($333.35/month)
- A recurring monthly solo eblast on Friday, once per month for one year costs $2750 ($229.17/month)
There are many opportunities to contribute to and support the programs produced by SWN. Please remember, your donations are tax-deductible. Our tax ID number is 75-3025405.
For more information, please email: