Donation Information

Thank you for your continued support!
You can find different ways to support our organization below.
The Scriptwriters Network Foundation, Inc. aka Scriptwriters Network (SWN) is a Non-Profit 501(c) (3) registered charitable and educational organization which is dependent upon the generosity of donations and memberships as we provide a community service in the entertainment industry.
There are many opportunities to contribute to and support the programs produced by SWN. Your donations are tax-deductible. Our tax ID number is 75-3025405.
Monetary donations are gladly accepted!
Your donation(s), which goes directly back into SWN, will enhance our events and programs greatly.
For more information on donations, contact [email protected]
or call 1-888-SWN-WORD (1-888-796-9673).
Donate to the Scriptwriters Network…we appreciate it!
To give monetary gifts, click on the below box or ZELLE us.
Credit cards accepted here.
– Looking to make this a MONTHLY donation?
Click the monthly donation box inside.
[email protected]
Account: The Scriptwriters Network Foundation, Inc.
Gifting by check:
Make checks payable, and mail to:
Scriptwriters Network Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 642806
Los Angeles, CA 90064
SWN is also looking for Sponsors to donate to our organization.
Sponsor donation levels include:
- Bronze ~ $1,000 – $5,000 ~ Your company name or your name, logo and link on our Special Donators page plus two complimentary one-year membership
- Silver ~ $5,000 – $10,000 ~ Your company name or your name, logo and link on our Special Donators page plus four complimentary one-year memberships
- Gold ~ $10,000 – $20,000 ~ Your company name or your name, logo and link in our Sponsors section at the bottom of each page, on our Sponsors page, Meetup site, weekly eblast newsletter, plus six complimentary two-year memberships and mention on our Special Donators page
- Platinum ~ $20,000 – plus ~ Your company name or your name, logo and link in our Sponsors section at the bottom of each page, on our Sponsors page, Meetup site, weekly eblast newsletter, plus eight complimentary two-year memberships and mention on our Special Donators page
For more information on donations, contact [email protected]
or call 1-888-SWN-WORD (1-888-796-9673).
Monetary donations are accepted!
Donate to the Scriptwriters Network…we appreciate it!
To give monetary gifts, click on the below box or ZELLE us.
Credit cards accepted here.
– Looking to make this a MONTHLY donation?
Click the monthly donation box inside.
[email protected]
Account: The Scriptwriters Network Foundation, Inc.
Make checks payable and mail to:
Scriptwriters Network Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 642806
Los Angeles, CA 90064
We thank you for your donations and your continued support!
Your donations are tax-deductible. Our tax ID number is 75-3025405.