Pitching You in your Written Pitch Document (for TV)

|| Event Date: Saturday, October 17, 2020 ||
|| Speaker: Terry McFadden ||
|| Start time: 1:00 pm PST ||
This event will discuss the topic of constructing the Written Pitch Document/Show Bible for a TV series. Not only how to make it great including all of the elements to prove it could go many seasons but how to make it your own–in your unique voice and style; the foundation of the episodes to follow. More info below.
**The deadline has passed and REGISTRATION is now CLOSED for this event. Please view our calendar for upcoming events.
More Information:
The webinar would, of course, cover all of the components that are necessary in this pitch document such as the concept page, premise, personal statement, series unanswerable question, character bios, pilot synopsis, additional episode loglines, the story engine, season arc and a summarizing wrap.
However, more importantly and central to this presentation would be Terry’s expounding on of how to make your TV pitch bible not only a phenomenal reference document proving you have a series here, but just how it is fresh, timely and most of all, how it is “you”. We will go through the elements and methodology of how to do this in a way that is unique and in the writer’s own voice; the vision and the slant that comes from the essence of the writer, their world, how they see it and conveying that on the page.

Terry McFadden is an award-winning Script Doctor, Writing Coach and the founder of ‘Story Builders Script Doctor and Writing Services’. He is dedicated to helping TV Writers and Screenwriters find and hone their own unique voice bringing the heart and soul of “their story” to the page in ways that only they can.
Terry started out in the entertainment industry as a rock and roll musician writing guitar and vocal parts on original songs for the bands he was in. This naturally segued into acting and then playwriting. He has written 30 short plays; acted, directed and produced in the theatre and has been produced 100 times in the United States, the UK and Australia winning several awards in the process. He has also written several feature length, short screenplays and TV pilots.
Terry has been working as a professional script consultant for production companies, studios and the individual writer since 1998. He has analyzed, edited, revised and given studio notes on hundreds of screenplays, TV pilots and supporting documents as well as ghostwriting, co-writing and script development.
As a consultant and story analyst for several production companies and their affiliates, Terry’s job was to take an in-depth look at the screenplays, teleplays and TV pilots that were under consideration for backing and financing to be made. Just a few of noteworthy scripts he consulted on that made it to the big screen include “The Truth about Charlie” written by Peter Stone and Jonathan Demme; “The Good Girl” by Mike White starring Jennifer Aniston; “Confessions of a Dangerous Mind” by Charlie Kaufman and “People I Know” by John Robin Baitz.
Terry believes that every writer has a gift within them that is called their own unique voice and when you blend and weave this into your craft and great idea, magic happens, and the magic is “you”. He expounds on this premise in his E-book, “That Sounds Like Me – implementing your own unique voice into Act I of your screenplay or TV script”.
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Meeting Timeframe: 1:00 pm PST to approximately 3:00 pm PST
Any questions, email us at [email protected]