2-Day Writing Challenge – September 6-7, 2014
Event Dates: Saturday, September 6 through Sunday, September 7, 2014 || Check-in: 8:00 AM || Time Frame: 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM each day ||
Need a place to write with other writers? Need some writing discipline? Need to unleash your creativity over two whole days? Are you up to the challenge to meet a writing deadline? A few pages? A few scenes? An outline? A draft? We provide the venue, You provide the creativity and something to write with. Ready. Steady. Go.
This is ONE WEEKEND where you commit to explore any & all possibilities with your story, FADE IN to FADE OUT, and, do it in the camaraderie of fellow writers eager to help each other over creative hurdles.
PLUS top Hollywood script consultants will provide free mini-consults to help writers find their voice (schedules permitting).
It’s just writers helping writers motivate the discipline, courage and peer-pressure to rediscover the thrill and fire of writing with abandonment.
For two days, dozens of writers will converge on a cozy Larchmont cafe to blaze through shameless first-drafts in all their glorious imperfection.
No procrastinating. No editing as you go. No excuses.
Bricks & Scones Cafe
403 North Larchmont Blvd. (between Beverly Blvd & Melrose)
Los Angeles, CA 90004
When: Saturday, September 6 – Sunday, September 7, 2014
Time: 8:00 am – 8:00 pm each day
********************THIS EVENT IS TOTALLY FREE********************
**Please remember, this is a working cafe so buy snacks, tip your baristas, and get there early since tables can’t be guaranteed. Bring an outline if you have one, but all you really need is the daring to explore wherever your creativity takes you.
John Hughes wrote “The Breakfast Club” in two days.
Stallone churned out “Rocky” in three.
The “South Park” guys write & produce every episode in six.
You came here to write scripts you’re passionate about. So write one. Now. Or just carry that beautiful dream around for the rest of your life.
Questions, please contact [email protected].