Contact Us





(We are NOT able to review and/or accept ideas, scripts, treatments in this section;

they will be deleted; for more information, view our FAQ page here; topic #5 …

This section is just for questions ONLY, thank you for understanding.)


Contact us with questions.

Please fill out the form below. We will respond to you as soon as possible.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.





General Contact Information:


E-mail Address:  [email protected]   (Do not send ideas, scripts and/or any written materials to this e-mail address – for more information, view our FAQ page here; section 5)


Phone Number:   (We are not able to discuss ideas, scripts, treatments, etc., over the phone; for more information, view our FAQ page here; section 5)



Mailing Addresses:  (Do not send ideas, scripts and/or any written materials
to this address – for more information, view our FAQ page here; section 5)

PO Box 642806
Los Angeles, CA 90064



Officers, Department Heads & Volunteers: 

(Do not send ideas, scripts and/or any written materials to these email addresses – for more information, view our FAQ page here; section 5)



General Information – [email protected]




Please use our REGISTER links located on each event page for event registration. If you have any issues with registering, send an E-mail to [email protected]


Writer’s Groups information:

**Scriptwriters Network does not maintain a list of Writer’s Groups, and, we are not connected to or associated with any Writer’s Groups. We ask that you search for a group close to your location on the internet.


Website disclaimer – The contents of these pages are provided as an educational guide only.  They are intended to enhance public access to information about SWN.   Please read the website disclaimer for more detailed information.


Disclaimer: Participation in SWN events, workshops and classes is not a promise or guarantee of employment, and, is intended for educational and networking purposes only.